
Climate Action Network Canada

Climate Action Network

Climate Action Network Canada

Climate change is real and it is crucial that it is being acknowledged. Adopting clean energy is one of the many steps needed for Canada to be a leader in green energy and show leadership when it comes to a green economy. We are proud to support their cause.

From Climate Action Network Canada’s Website

To combat climate change, particularly by pressing for comprehensive climate change action plans by all levels of government, based on the best available science, with specific policies, targets, timetables and reporting, and to work with Canada’s governments, First Nations, Inuit and Metis, private sector, labour, and civil society for the effective implementation of these plans.

What we do:

Health-pollution-2Climate Action Network Canada – Réseau action climat Canada is working to:

• Ensure Canada sets goals and adopts policies to end its dependence on fossil fuels, in particular the tar sands, and reduce its greenhouse gas pollution;

• Push Canada to do its fair share to help developing countries as well as vulnerable regions in Canada to adapt to the impacts of climate change and to adopt clean energy technology;

• Encourage Canada to put in place meaningful policies to support and invest in safe, clean and reliable renewable energy while creating clean energy jobs to make Canada a leader in the clean energy economy;

• Support provincial and municipal efforts to reduce greenhouse gas pollution and invest in safe, clean, and renewable energy technology.

Who we Are

Climate Action Network Canada – Réseau action climat Canada is composed of over 85 member organizations from across the country.

Climate Action Network Canada is the only organization in the country with a mandate to promote the climate movement as a whole, rather than the interests and programs of any one organization.

Our diverse membership have their own styles and approaches, but they share a desire to work with other likeminded organizations. They want to learn from and influence other groups in the climate movement, combine resources, develop common messages, and avoid re-inventing the wheel or tripping over one another. With a view to maximize their collective impact, these organizations want and need a way of coordinating their activities. They believe that they are stronger when they stand together.

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