Frequently Asked Questions: You have questions and we have answers
Below are the MOST COMMON QUESTIONS WE RECEIVE from our wonderful customers. If we do not answer your question below you can either contact us directly and ask us your question. We think we have tackled pretty much any question you may have, but if not, reach out to us. We love hearing from our customers!
We promise to respond to every question as fast as we can. You can contact us via email, by web form or by calling our team directly! We are here for you Canada.
Many questions also include links to other pages where you can get even more information related to that topic. That way, you can get a quick answer to your question and then be linked to a more detailed response to give you a fuller answer.

CLICK HERE to learn about how we offer FREE SHIPPING ON ALL ORDERS. No restrictions and no B.S. Just free shipping all the time. Canada, we are the best contact lens site in Canada for a reason. Great prices, awesome sales, incredible service and FREE SHIPPING.
No other contact lens website in Canada offers this because, quite frankly, their only reason for existing is to make profits when you purchase on their contact lens websites.
At we have a completely different mission. We are here to serve you (the customer) and our planet (via our donations to non-profits). That is why we offer free shipping, the lowest prices on all products and a 100% product replacement guarantee too. You come first with us.
To view our To learn more about what a real Google review is (and isn't) click here. has the highest, legitimate, Google customer reviews in Canada among all of the online contact lens websites. So why do the other websites claim they have higher ratings? Well, there aren't being very honest. You see, these other sites don't rely on the true, Google customer ratings, but instead they PAY MONEY for third party review services which are subject to manipulation, review editing and removal and other services that really distort the real customer review score. These sites that make money off providing these changeable reviews call themselves "Partner Sites". We just call the entire thing dishonest. does things differently. We ONLY rely on true Google reviews, meaning we don't have any control over the reviews, nor can we delete or even contact the customers that leave them. Most importantly, we can't even fake these reviews since all of our reviews come from people who have placed orders. We set up our system this way on purpose because we believe in being honest.
So, perhaps you are wondering why we are #1 year after year? Well, for starters we provide the lowest prices on almost every single product. On top of that we provide the best customer service in the industry and free shipping on every single order. No minimums, just great prices, great service and free shipping on every single contact lens order!
Do we guarantee to have the lowest prices online for all contact lenses in Canada? You bet!! To learn more about our LOWEST PRICE GUARANTEE, please click here.
Now what happens ifyou find a product online in Canada that is cheaper (a non-sale price)? All you to do is contact us directly and tell us where you saw this (you may need to provide a website link and the specific product so we can check). If we can confirm that they are in fact the cheapest and we are not, then you get to buy our product at 10% cheaper than their price. GUARANTEED.
That is our LOWEST PRICE GUARANTEE and believe us when we say, we take this very seriously.
Learn more about how is one of the few authorized sellers of contact lenses in Canada.
That is correct, is one of the few authorized sellers of contact lenses in Canada. There are many sites here in Canada are NOT AUTHORIZED and are often called "grey market sellers". What does this mean?
Well, these NON-AUTHORIZED sellers get their contact lenses from sources other than the official manufacturers. Why is this important?For starters, we don't know where they get their contact lenses? Are they expired lenses? Were they produced and/or stored in some underdeveloped nation? Did they get them from some optical source and therefore is simply a returned product or an overstock? Who knows? This is why they are not authorized.
There are legitimate concerns in terms of the reliability, quality and expiration dates on such products. It matters much more than you realize. "Grey Market" sellers are everywhere and we are recommend you always stick to buying from sites like us here at
So how do you know a company is not authorized? Well, if their website doesn't say it, then they probably are NOT! Another way to spot the "grey market sellers" is to see if they carry all products from the main four manufacturers: Acuvue (Johnson & Johnson), Alcon (Air Optix, Dailies, Precision 1, Freshlook, etc.), CooperVision (Biofinity among many others) and Bausch + Lomb (Ultra, Biotrue among others). If they don't carry it all, then they are probably getting their supply from non-authorized sources. For this reason, the manufacturers don't trust them and either do we.
Tracking your order is simple and easy with Simply to go to the My Account button at the top of every page and you will be directed to your My Account Dashboard. To go directly to order tracking, simply click the Orders link and you will see all of your orders.
We do strongly suggest that everyone CREATE AN ACCOUNT when buying contact lenses with us. Without an email login, you will have to CONTACT US in order to inquire about your order.
If you have questions regarding our shipping times and other important shipping details, please visit our SHIPPING PAGE and learn much about how we operate and why we are so awesome!
Yes, you can order contact lenses online in Canada without a prescription. However, we recommend that anyone ordering contact lenses online with us or any contact lens website received what is called a "contact lens fitting" with a licensed and trained Optometrist. Learn more about what is CONTACT LENS FITTING is and why they are so important.
The first reason you should get a fitting is that every contact lens can feel and fit differently. If you are buying the wrong contact lens for your eye, you can both waste your money and perhaps even do damage to the surface of your eye. To learn more about all the aspects of buying contact lenses online, CLICK HERE to hear our CEO, Paul W. Slusher, discuss all the various things you should know about buying contact lenses.
Another important reason to get a fitting is that there is a good chance that if you buy something online without testing it with your Optometrist, you may end up finding it isn't very comfortable and/or isn't great for your vision needs.
When you open a contact lens box, you cannot return it, and so buying anything you are not sure of can be a big waste of money.
Learn more about the great way we provide contact lens order protection with our 100% Order Replacement Guarantee!
Yes, has the very best protection for your contact lens order in Canada. How does it work? We simply charge a small fee to every order to ensure that everyone has a 100% Product Order Replacement option if needed. That means your order is always protected against damage, loss, theft, etc. This is arguably the best return and product replacement program in Canada. We will replace any order if it is lost, stolen, damaged or defective. We even pay for you to return the product to us if it is unopened and undamaged. Our customer service team is the best in the business and we treat you like you are family.
One day we hope to remove the fee completely, for as we grow, we try very hard to give you the best price, the best service and the best protection. However, since we are still a growing company, we can only provide a 100% replacement service by adding the fee to every order. Keep ordering with us and someday you will see that fee get smaller and smaller until it goes away completely!
Downloading your invoice is so easy if you created an account with us when you ordered. Just go to MY ACCOUNT and then when on that page, click ORDERS. On your ORDERS page, you will see all of your orders. When you click INVOICE on any order, your computer (or phone) will automatically download your invoice into a PDF document format. Then you can send that invoice to your supplemental insurance company for a reimbursement.
If you DID NOT create an account, you will have to either check your email for the invoice what was sent to you when you ordered, or CONTACT US to get a copy of your invoice. We are happy to send it to you if you can't find it or need another copy.

Reordering any product that you ordered before is about as easy can be. It is very important than whenever you are ordering from us, you CREATE AN ACCOUNT using your email address. Only those who have accounts with us can track their orders or reorder from previous orders.
To reorder from any previous order, simply go to your ORDERS tab in the MY ACCOUNT section of the site and find the order you want to resubmit. You will see button to the right that says ORDER AGAIN. When you do that, automatically your CART will be filled with an exact copy of the previous order. It is really that easy.
To learn more about how to avoid torn contacts and/or to know if your contacts may be defective, please click here.
Defects in contact lenses are very, very rare. Less than 0.001% of contact lenses will have a "manufacturer defect" associated with them. That is less than one lens in 100,000 contact lenses. So the chances your lenses are defective is almost zero.
However, what is more common is the possibility that handling a contact lens can either tear or damage a lens. This happens often when you are not used to handling lenses or do so incorrectly. Click the link above to learn all about defects, tears and how to properly handle your contact lenses.
We are always here to help you place your order, whether it is showing how to do it yourself or perhaps even placing the order for you over the phone. If you would like a short tour of how to select your contact lenses from the product page, please click here and learn about that process.
If you need to contact us about placing your order, you can contact us via email, webform or by phone. When you call us between 9am - 5pm Pacific Standard time (West Coast Time) at 1-855-909-2772, you can talk to us directly and get your questions answered. We can even place your order for you over the phone if you prefer.
This contest is super popular and so before you enter, make sure to visit our contest page and learn all the details. There are some restrictions to this contest. Enter today and good luck Canada!
To Learn more about how we donate 51% of all net profits to help our planet, click here. has a two-part mission. First, to provide you with contact lenses online at the best price, with the best service possible. But in addition to that, we also have a GLOBAL MISSION. donates 51% of all net profits to the charity or non-profit that YOU CHOOSE. No other company in Canada does this, period. So, when you buy from us, know that you are saving money and saving the planet at the same time.
Learn more about our shipping times and how we provide free shipping on every order! That's right. Every single order. No other website offers that to you.
We ship all orders either by Canada Post. Since we ship from British Columbia, orders to Eastern Canada can take a bit longer (for obvious reasons). To learn more about the estimated times it takes to get your contact lens products to you, click the link above.
Please know that we do everything we possibly can to get your products to you as soon as possible. If you are ordering a toric (for astigmatism) or a speciality contact lens (like a multifocal or XR lens), it can take longer simply due to the fact that these lenses are not stocked in inventory.
Why? Because they are specially made to order most of the time, meaning that due to the literally thousands of combinations of prescription possibilities, these lenses are specially ordered directly from the manufacturer and then overnight shipped to our facility every single day. Then we send them out to you as soon as we get them.
To learn more about ordering specialty contact lenses online, like Proclear XR or Biofinity XR contacts, please click here.
There are some lenses that will take several weeks to be sent to you. These lenses are what are known as "specialty" or "custom" contact lenses for folks with more extreme visual requirements. These are often referred to as XR lenses, and in one case, even one multfocal toric contact lens.
Why do they take so long to be created and sent to me? These lenses are being created very specially for YOU, meaning that they don't have these lenses in stock anywhere. Once you order them, the prescription parameters and product information is sent to the manufacturer, who gets to work as fast as possible to create those lenses. This is also why those lenses have a tendancy to be a bit more expensive too. That isn't something we do, but something the manufacturer does. Coopervision, the only manafacturer who produces these "custom" lenses, charges us quite a bit more for them, so we are sorry about the high price, but it isn't up to us.
The usual wait for such lenses can vary from 2 weeks to 6 weeks, depending on the product, the parameters and the time of the year. For example during the holiday (December) season, the delays are a bit longer due to heavy ordering traffic.
To see all of our custom contact lenses, please click here.
Contact lens pricing is like any other product in our society. They are subject to price changes due to (a) the economy, (b) supply and demand and (c) the time of the year the product is ordered. At, we try to keep our prices as low as possible and in fact we even have the LOWEST PRICE GUARANTEE on all of our products. Click here to learn more about that.
However, please know that the manufacturers often decide what the "base" price of any contact lens price is, and we simply add the minimum we need to in order to make sure we can operate as a company. Trust us, unlike the other online contact lens sellers in Canada, we are NOT GETTING RICH. In fact it is our mission to give you both the best prices in Canada and help save the planet at the same time. Since we donate 51% of all net profits to help save the planet, it makes our work even harder, but we do it because it is why we even exist! To learn more about how (and to whom) we donate our net profits, please click here.
To learn a bit more about price changes, you can click here to see a recent blog post on the subject.
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Still have a question that didn’t get addressed above? Don’t worry, just Contact Us! We will respond to you as fast as possible with an answer! Thank you for being our customer and thank you for helping us be a different type of contact lens company here in beautiful Canada!