



We live on a beautiful planet. Unfortunately, our Mother Earth is battling day in and day out with major environmental issues. We can help her by reducing our carbon footprint, recycling and composting, participating in events to clean our neighborhoods and even beaches, and even adopting a healthy lifestyle that benefit humans and our planet at the same time. But what happens when we can’t tackle the big issues like oil spills or other issues which require legal precedents? This is when Ecojustice comes into view and takes action.

From Ecojustice’s Website

At Ecojustice we go to court to tackle Canada’s toughest environmental challenges. Just as labour laws regulate working conditions and wages, environmental laws can be used to limit the use of dangerous chemicals, protect trees from being cut down, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Since 1990, our lawyers have represented community groups, non-profits, First Nations, and individual Canadians on the frontlines of the fight for environmental justice. In partnership with our clients, we launch ground-breaking lawsuits that level the playing field so industry interests can’t trump those of people and the planet. We achieve legal precedents that keep harmful substances out of the environment, protect wilderness and wildlife and take aim at climate change.

When our lawyers have done everything they can do with the legal tools they have, we go further, leveraging our expertise to push for stronger laws. Together, we are leading the fight for a brighter environmental future.

What We Do

From coast to coast to coast, our legal experts go to court to tackle Canada’s toughest environmental problems. Our groundbreaking lawsuits protect wilderness and wildlife, take aim at dirty energy projects and keep harmful chemicals out of the air, water and soil we all depend on.

Our lawyers represent community groups, non-profits, First Nations, and individual Canadians on the frontlines of the fight for environmental justice.

Who We Are

Ecojustice is leading the legal fight for a brighter environmental future. We are Canada’s only national environmental law charity. We are 100% donor-funded and have a 25-year track record of winning legal victories for people and the planet.

How You Can Help

It’s people like you that keep us 100% independent from government funding. Donate Today.


To view Ecojustice’s Website, Click Here.

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