
Adoptive Families Association of BC

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Adoptive Families Association of BC

For over 40 years, the Adoptive Families Association of BC has been dedicated to finding families for children and to providing ground breaking programs that support the entire adoption community.

From the Adoptive Families Associtation of BC’s website:

Our organization began around a kitchen table in 1977, when a small group of adoptive parents gathered to share ideas, information, and support. Back then, there was not much information available about adoption, and it was a subject that was “kept quiet.” These families realized that silence did not help their children or themselves. They met regularly and put out a newsletter.

Within a couple of years, The Adoptive Parents Association of BC was formed. In 1989, the Government of British Columbia provided seed funding, and an office was established in Surrey, BC. Telephone support was provided, support groups were formed, Focus on Adoption magazine began production, and family events were held.

We now have staff members and volunteers province-wide, and approximately 1,000 members.

Our vision
A Family for Every Child

Our mission
To promote and support adoption.

Our beliefs
Children grow best in families.
Adoption brings families together.
Adoption promotes diversity.
Adoption strengthens our communities.
Adoption is a lifelong journey.
Adoption is born in the heart.

Our commitment to our clients
Our promise is to bring sensitivity, honesty, respect, commitment, and balance to build strong adoptive families. Our strengths are our authenticity, openness and courage.

We also play a significant role in promoting awareness of the thousands of British Columbia children in the care of the Ministry of Children and Family Development, hundreds of whom are waiting for a family.

Learn more about the Adoptive Families Association of BC here.

adoptive families association of bc


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